Latest player stats to 8 August

First team scorer Dawn Briggs has been working hard rifling through the scorebooks and crunching the numbers again and the latest player stats up to 8 August are now on line. As well as batting and bowling and wicket keeping stats we’ve also got figures for partnerships, catches and run outs (although these may not be totally correct as some teams do not enter the information in their scorebooks).

Best batting average (57.00) and way out in front with highest number of runs (627) so far, goes to Kristian Williman. Robert Leech is up there with the second highest batting average (50.80) and Lewis Taylor has second highest number of runs (342).

leechwilliman3cropWilliman and Leech – best batting averages


Best bowling average goes to Dan Philpot (8.72) but most number of wickets goes to Rob Fuller (29).

Pascal Walker (first team wicket keeper) has taken the highest number of catches (16) closely followed by Lewis Taylor (second team wickie) with (14) and Pascal tops the wicket keeping table with 24 dismissals (16 catches and 8 stumpings).

Simply go to the information bar in the right hand column and you’ll find all the stats beneath the League Table links. If you’re viewing on a phone or a tablet in portrait mode then you’ll find them after the news stories. Note that batting and bowling stats run over two pages.

Thanks Dawn!