Month: September 2017

President’s Day 2017

GCC President Trevor Lambert with the President’s XI and GCC First XI The annual President’s Day match last Sunday 3 September traditionally marks the end of the season for Garboldisham Cricket Club. This year the 1st team just managed to scrape a win after a huge 10th wicket partnership between Kieran Pask (76*) & Danny Cash. William Dewing is bowled by Gavin Barnes and sees his off stump go tumbling. Last year’s outgoing Chairman Robert Leech was presented with a framed montage of photos in recognition of his many years as Chairman and for all the fantastic work that he has done for the club. Robert is flanked by new Chairman Paul Feavearyear and President Trevor Lambert. Three Garby legends at President’s Day: Peter Mindham, Roly Farr and Colin Wilcox

GCC receives ECB Clubmark re-accreditation

The club has re-applied for, and been successful in achieving Clubmark status once again. ECB Clubmark shows that Garboldisham CC club is sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for its members. Clubmark accreditation also means that GCC is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents that their children are well looked after. Thanks to everyone who helped us get through the assessment, particularly Sarah McGahan who spent a lot of time collating and uploading the documentary evidence.